

Platja D'Aro
Platja d'Aro, with Castell d'Aro and S'Agaro, form one of the most touristic and commercial complexes on the Costa Brava. Situated some 19 miles from Girona Airport and 71 miles from Barcelona Airport, it has long golden sand beaches and small coves, which, with the many hotels, apartments, shops, bars and restaurants, provide for all of the tourists needs.

Platja d'Aro, Castell d'Aro and S'Agaro are the most touristic and commercial complex on the Costa Brava.
Platja d'Aro is located in an enchanting spot in the heart of the Costa Brava, next to a beach of golden sand, plentiful in small heavenly creeks which will undoubtedly delight those who enjoy nature and fishing. Platja d'Aro owns an infrastructure of services in accordance with nowadays' needs and requirements regarding leisure, culture, cuisine and trade; in other words, this town possesses all that is needed for enjoying your holidays.
Kosta Brava
Jedna z nejznámějších turistických oblastí, nazývaná též jako Divoké pobřeží, ležící v nejsevernější části středozemního pobřeží Španělska. Pobřeží je členité s množstvím zeleně, pro niž se tato oblast často nazývá "zelenou zahradou Španělska". Střídají se zde moderní rekreační střediska s typickými rybářskými vesničkami. Velmi časté jsou zachovalé kostelíky, mosty a pevnosti v románském slohu, nebo památky řecké či románské kultury. Stejným poměrem jsou zde také zastoupeny modernější architektonické památky z 19. a 20. století, kdy zde žili umělci jako Picasso, Dalí či Gaudí.



The province of Girona in the northeast of Spain, border, France and the provinces of Barcelona and Lleida. It covers an area of 5,886km2 and has a population of about half a million inhabitants. The capital is Girona, and the entire province is divided up into six judicial districts, eight regions (El Gironés, La Garrotxa, El Baix Empordá, El Alt Empordá, Pla de I’Estany, Selva, Ripollés and Cerdanya), and 235 municipal districts.The most striking characteristic about of the province is undoubtedly its great diversity. From a tourist point of view it can offer a magnificent coastal area -the internationally recognised Costa Brava- as well as a fine mountain region, which is ideal for both tourism and the practice of a wide variety of sports. This balance between coastal and inland scenery, along with a mild climate, helps attract tourists to the province throughout the year.


The Cathedral

One of Girona 's grandest churches, the cathedral was built between the 11 th and 17 th centuries AD. The church's structure integrates a number of architectural styles that were built at various points in history. The features of the original Roman building are preserved, such as a cloister and tower of Charlemagne. The nave of the church is the widest arched span in the whole world.

St. Mary's Cathedral

Passeig de la Muralla

Monastery of Saint Pere de Galligants and Chapel of Sant Nicolau

This is an excellent example of Lombard-style Romanesque buildings from the 12 th century AD. The monastery was occupied by the Benedictine order and its sheer size and remarkably interesting cloister make it one of the most outstanding specimens of Catalan Romanesque architecture. Today, the monastery houses Girona 's Museum of Archaeology.

Arab Baths

This is a structure that houses ancient facilities that were used to public bathing. The name is a misnomer; the whole building is actually Romanesque in design and architecture, inspired by the Roman public baths of old. There are three rooms inside: the frigidarium or cold water room, the caldarium or hot water room, and the tepidarium or lukewarm water room. The frigidarium in this building is of particular interest for its design and layout. This thermae is so-called because the interior does exhibit some Muslim architectural features, bearing some similarity to Arab baths.

Cases de l'Onyar

These are stone houses along the river Onyar that were built in the Middle Ages. The porticoed facades, steep and narrow alleys, and brightly colored stone houses all contribute to make the houses of the Onyar one of the most unique and spectacular sights in Girona .

Jewish Quarter, or the Call

The Jewish neighborhood in the Jewish Quarter is the best preserved in all of Catalonia and certainly the most remarkable in Spain. The narrow and winding alleyways and lanes snake around medieval stone buildings that once housed the Jewish community in Girona . The Jews' influence and teachings were far-reaching throughout Europe.

Former Collegiate Church of Sant Feliu

This is an ancient building, dating back to the earliest ages of Christianity when the Romans arrived in Spain. The Romanesque building is well-preserved, with Gothic naves and structures and a baroque facade having been added in the years following the original building's construction. The genuine Romanesque interior features a Gothic nave. Inside the Church, eight extraordinarily well-preserved Roman and early Christian sepulchres can be found and are the greatest attraction to the place.


One of the most interesting characteristics of the cuisine in Girona (and the rest of Catalonia, for that matter) is the manner in which seemingly unrelated ingredients are mixed to come up with a exotic-tasting dishes. Native Catalan raw ingredients vary wildly: from wild vegetables and mushrooms to game and livestock raised in the Pyrenees to olives and grains from the heartland to all types of fresh fruit and other vegetables from the irrigated lowlands to an amazing variety of seafood from the Costa Brava coastline itself. The cuisine of Catalonia is a result of centuries of trade, commerce, and intermingling with people from the neighboring European nations, in particular the Greeks, Italians, Arabs, and French.

Can Bellosola - The best croissants in the world!
Lola's Club - Great Thursday night drinks and dancing


(3) Flights & Car Rental / Lety & Auto Pujcovni/ Trains - Vlaky

We have added some useful websites for flights and car rentals. Hope this will be useful:

Pridali jsme nejake informace ohledne letenkach y auto pujcovni:

Praha – Barcelona


Berlin (Schoenefeld) – Barcelona

Trevisa – Barcelona (Girona)

Girona Airport/Letiste Girona

··· These are only samples, please check the websites for more flight information! Flights can change.
···· Toto jsou jenom prikladi, prosim kouknetese na ti stranki protoze leti se meni!


* Be careful of the car pickup location
* Davejte bacha kde auta jse muzou vyzvednout (v kterim meste)


For train information from Barcelona to Girona and Costa Brava, look at the following website. It will also give the cost information. Don't worry, it is not very expensive.

Vlakove informace z Barceloni do Gironi i Kosta Bravi najdete v nasledujici strance.

I would not recommend to travel with buses as they are more expensive and take longer.

Nedoporucovala bych jsem autobusy protoze jsou drasi a cesta je delsi.

(2) When & Where? / Kdy & Kde? / On & Quan?

Com ja sabeu el nostre casament serà el dia

Divendres, 13 de Juliol de 2007

La cerimonia es farà a les 5 de la tarda a l'esglèsia de Sant Aniol de Finestres.

L'àpat es farà a la ciutat de Girona, al Restaurant Numun situat a l'hotel AC Palau de Bellavista. Els aperitius començaran a les 8 de la tarda.

Per als poc entesos en geografia us adjuntem mapes per a facilitar els desplaçaments.


As you know, our wedding will be on

Friday, the 13th of July, 2007

The church ceremony will take place at 5pm at the church in St. Aniol de Finestres. This is a tiny village located approximately 15km north of Girona.

After the church, we will relocate to Girona city, where the reception will take at Hotel AC Palau de Bellavista, Restuarant Numun. Appertizers will begin at 8pm.

Below you will find maps and directions from the highway to both the church and the restaurant.


Jak us vyte, svatba bude

patek, 13 cervence, 2007

Obrad v kosteli zacne v 17:00 v St. Aniol de Finestres. Je to kostelicek v malinki vesnicce asi 15km severne od Gironi.

Po obrade, se pretstehujem do mesta Girona, do Hotel AC Palau de Bellavista, Restaurant Numun. Predkrmi zacnou ve 20:00.

Mapy i informace jak se tam dostat najdete dole.


Hotel AC Palau Bellavista, Restuarant Numun

St. Aniol de Finestres


Benvinguts a la pàgina web del nostre casament!

Aquí hi podreu trobar tota la informació relacionada amb el nostre casament.... aon, quan i com! També inclourem informació per a la gent que ens visita de fora.

A tots els que visitin la pàgina web i ens donguin els seus comentaris sortejarem un cap de setmana a Sta. Maria dels Pinars, Alt Urgell.
Welcome to our wedding web page!

Here, you will find all possible information about our wedding….where, when and how! We have also included a little information about places to visit and also information about flights, car rentals, restaurants, etc. in Girona, Barcelona and Costa Brava! Enjoy!

Please remember to send your confirmation if you will be attending the wedding and also which day you will be arriving. Our email address is:

Vytame vas v nasi svatebni strance!

Najdete vse informace ohledne svatbi…. Kde, kdy a jak! Taky najdete nejake informace o turistice i informace ohdledne letenkach, auto pujcovni, restaurace, atd. v Girone, Barcelona i v Kosta Brave!

Prosime abych jste nezapomeli potvrdit jestli prijdete na svatbu a ktery den priletite. Nase email adresa je: