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Com ja sabeu el nostre casament serà el dia

Divendres, 13 de Juliol de 2007

La cerimonia es farà a les 5 de la tarda a l'esglèsia de Sant Aniol de Finestres.

L'àpat es farà a la ciutat de Girona, al Restaurant Numun situat a l'hotel AC Palau de Bellavista. Els aperitius començaran a les 8 de la tarda.

Per als poc entesos en geografia us adjuntem mapes per a facilitar els desplaçaments.


As you know, our wedding will be on

Friday, the 13th of July, 2007

The church ceremony will take place at 5pm at the church in St. Aniol de Finestres. This is a tiny village located approximately 15km north of Girona.

After the church, we will relocate to Girona city, where the reception will take at Hotel AC Palau de Bellavista, Restuarant Numun. Appertizers will begin at 8pm.

Below you will find maps and directions from the highway to both the church and the restaurant.


Jak us vyte, svatba bude

patek, 13 cervence, 2007

Obrad v kosteli zacne v 17:00 v St. Aniol de Finestres. Je to kostelicek v malinki vesnicce asi 15km severne od Gironi.

Po obrade, se pretstehujem do mesta Girona, do Hotel AC Palau de Bellavista, Restaurant Numun. Predkrmi zacnou ve 20:00.

Mapy i informace jak se tam dostat najdete dole.


Hotel AC Palau Bellavista, Restuarant Numun

St. Aniol de Finestres

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